This is a picture from the Time-Change Beach Party last Sunday. Pretty, huh? It wasn't even chilly. Just a beautiful day with beautiful people. And BBQ and marshmallows. Can't forget those....
I just got back from Safeway and got the Martha Stewart holiday COOKIES Special Issue Magazine. I think I bought it out of shock. Wasn't it September only a moment ago? Do you all realize what this means?! After November comes DECEMBER. Crap. Now I am extememly worried about my Christmas Cookie Baking Marathon.(Every year I completely monopolize the kitchen for a weekend, bake until I drop, and then give all the bounty away in pretty packages as quickly as possible.) But when will it happen this year?
It must happen.
Dammit, the show must go on. Continued... Luckily this Special Issue is inspiring me. Just from glancing through it, I could see that the majority of the recipes were new. Although some of Martha's classics had to be included. (Old Fashioned Sugar Cookies, Gingerbread, etc.) They are nicely organized in categories like "Soft and Chewy," "Crisp and Crunchy," "Cakey and Tender," etc. This is very useful because when you are coming up with a variety box, you need clear differences in flavor and texture. There are also a good amount of interesting coconut flavored recipes. Really intrigued by Coconut Cream Filled Macaroons.
The other thought going through my mind is what to make for the teacher people. Yes, yes, I admit, I am a bit of a kiss ass, but I really like my teachers, and I enjoy showing off my baking skills. I figure that I'll make some good ol' gingerbread, but write something really clever with the royal icing. Let's see... something Classical Studies related I suppose....
Felicem Diem Natalis Jesus
(I'm hoping that translates to "Happy Birthday Jesus", but my Latin isn't exactly super... how does one decline "Jesus"?)
1 comment:
Hi there--I know what you mean...I can't believe it's almost Thanksgiving...seems like we were just celebrating 4th of July...
Since you are familiar with giving cookies as gifts, how about writing a post with helpful tips...? I've never been very crafty, so the presentation befuddles me. Do certain cookies need NOT to be packaged with each other? Also, where do you get your tins?
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