Monday, October 17, 2005

To the Gods of Blogging

Well school has been crazy, to say the very least. But I have been learning a whole lot of neat stuff. Surprisingly, some food related things.

My biggest contributor is my Satire class. Evidenlty the word satire is related to the Latin satura, which in "the Plautinarum quaestionum: 'sature is dried grape and barley and pine nuts sprinkled with honeywine.'" which was a stuffing.

Funny, eh? Continued...

So the word satire has the possible orgin of being stuffed with a bunch of different things. Or as the prof said "miscellany." But also, so much of the satire we are reading relates to food! Like Petronius' Satyricon (Part 3 Trimalchio's Dinner Party) is about a crazy guy with a crazy dinner party, which crazy food. Example: A giant platter with the signs of the zodiac, and a different food to represent each one. And Lucian's True Histories, a parodying the Odyssey, a group of explorers sail the a place where everything is milk and cheese. The ocean is milk, the grapes are white and produce milk, the ground is cheese.

Greeks and Romans loved thier foodstuffs. And they were crizazy.

In other words, my classical education is dominating my existence at the moment. Note new section of blogs that I have been reading. Fuuunny stuff.

Well, I think so.

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