This was my latest endeavor in cake. It is a devil's food cake with white chocolate mousse and ganache. Very very rich. Tasted like candy. I happen to think it looked pretty good too. Enjoy!
Various Ramblings with a Touch of Class and a Hint of Nerdy
Because you didn't ask and never will, here's my rundown on the various personalities featured on the Food Network.
Although I find him scary-looking, Mario Batali seems like one of the few Food Network personalities that might actually be a nice guy in person. Aren’t there doctors that can help with that sweat problem?
Rachel Ray is pure evil. I will grant, however, that she models some really good habits to help novice cooks avoid common pitfalls (Gather your ingredients before you start cooking, time management, stuff like that) She's still an horrible harpy, though, and she will die alone.
Tyler Florence needs to stick it in immediately, because he is a fucking stud. His style of cooking is very near to mine, which is reason #6,428 why he and I should get married. Tomorrow.
As much as I try to hate Alton Brown, I am a total kitchen-science nerd, and some of his episodes have been really informative. I love Shirley Corriher's books for the same reason. Alton's enthusiasm for gimmicky plastic kitchen gadgetry and his horkishly forced "zaniness" make me nauseous. But I still watch.
Bobby Flay is everything I hate about straight guys, all wadded up and compressed into one small and extremely annoying white man. He is such a fuck-tard, and I would pick a fight with him with a quickness. Also, all he does is grill. I am a native of Texas, so unless you’re like grilling yeti filet over heated moon rocks, you won’t impress me by grilling.
I have deeply conflicted feelings about Ina Garten. She’s the kind of person I could be friends with…if she didn’t so obviously dwell in a completely different socioeconomic universe. Also, her “simple chic” occasionally slides into just plain “simple”.
The Iron Chefs are all gods astride this world of mere mortals. I worship and adore them, because you know you have a pretty hefty pair to serve up some of that shit with a straight face. Carp ice cream? Why yes, I’ll have two scoops!
Sara Moulton. Dullest. Person. Ever.
I’m emailing Jaime Oliver right now to invite him to join Tyler Florence and me for some hot man-on-man-on-man action.
Bobby Rivers and Sandra Pinckney were decanted from the same cloning vat. They were genetically engineered to hawk tacky commercial shit in the most bland and inoffensive manner possible.
Marc Summers(link added) is the white version of Bobby Rivers, with a dash of that Al Roker “zing” added for good measure. He always looks like his makeup is melting off, and his smile betrays his fear of death. He creeps me out in a major way. Unless he marries Rachel Ray, they will both die alone. Also, his show “Unwrapped” is a shameless apologia for all of the corporate, mass-produced, unhealthy low-quality factory food to which almost every single one of the Food Network chefs are vocally opposed. But Marc will show you that mass-produced industrial food is just good, clean fun.
I totally heart Paula Deen. I know she probably seems hokey and trashy to non-southerners, but she strikes me as genuine, and I like her self-effacing style. She’s like Ina Garten with the stick pulled out of her ass.
When Al Roker dies, he will go straight to hell, where he will be made to pay far out the ass for his many, many sins.
Cranberry Lemon Squares
6 T cold unsalted butter, cut into 12
pieces, plus more for pan
1 1/2 cups dried cranberries (about
1/4 cup confectioners' sugar, plus more for
1 cup all-purpose flour
2 large eggs
3/4 cup granulated
Zest of 3 lemons
1/4 cup freshly squeezed plus 1 1/2 teaspoons
lemon juice (about
1.Preheat oven to 325°.
Butter an 8-inch square baking pan, and set
2. Chop the
cranberries as best you can with a knife.
Or, use scissors and snip them
down. (This was originally done via food
processor after they cooked, but my
food processor is a dinosaur. Unreliable,
and an otherwise clunky, annoying
object.)(Pause for daydreaming about a new
food processor)3. In a medium saucepan, combine cranberries and 2 cups water; bring to a
boil. Reduce heat to medium, and cook, stirring occasionally, until water
been absorbed, about 25 minutes. Set aside, let cool.
4. In a bowl combine confectioners’ sugar and 3/4 cup flour.
butter, incorporate by hand (again, food processor should do it, but it
doesn't have to) until mixture forms pea-size pieces. Press batter into
pan.5. Bake until golden, about 20 minutes. Transfer to a wire rack to
6. Beat eggs and granulated sugar until smooth.
Add lemon juice;
beat to combine. Add remaining 1/4 cup flour, and beat to combine; set lemon
mixture aside.
7. Reduce oven temperature to 300°. Spread cranberry
mixture over cooked crust. Pour lemon mixture over the cranberry mixture. Bake
until set, about 40 minutes. Transfer to a wire rack to cool, 40 minutes. Chill
4 hours. To serve, cut into squares, and dust with confectioners’ sugar.
[poot-tah-NEHS-kah] Generally served with pasta, this sauce is a spicy mélange of tomatoes, onions, capers, black olives, anchovies, oregano and garlic, all cooked together in olive oil. A dish on a menu described as alla puttanesca signals that it's served with this sauce. The name puttanesca is a derivation of puttana, which in Italian means "whore." According to one story, the name purportedly comes from the fact that the intense fragrance of this sauce was like a siren's call to the men who visited such "ladies of pleasure."
-4 Granny Smith apples, and 4 Golden Delicious peeled, cored, and cut into 1-inch chunks
-1 3/4 cup plus 2 1/2 tablespoons granulated sugar
-1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
-1 teaspoon ground ginger
-12 tablespoons unsalted butter
-1/2 cup packed light-brown sugar
-2 large eggs
-1/4 cup molasses
-1 1/4 cups all-purpose flour
-2 1/4 teaspoons baking powder
-Pinch of salt
-1/2 cup breadcrumbs
-1/2 cup almond flour (I love Trader Joes)
-Copious amounts of whipped cream